Wednesday, December 8, 2010

1 Corinthians 3:6

 "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow."

This was a passage in the bible that I have been meditating on today. It reminds me that no matter how great we may think we are or how successful we think we are, it is never by our power that we have success, but by God's power. It's a very humbling thought. I feel God has a special plan or assignment customized for each of us. He gives each of us a seed. Whether or not we chose to plant this seed we all are given the opportunity. When we plant our seeds with the favor of God he will make sure the seed will be watered. Build it and they will come. Sometimes it takes a great amount of faith to plant a seed especially when you are not sure who will come along to help water it. In my mind I picture someone with a great vision for a church who has inspired others to serve in this church, which in the metaphor would be the water necessary for the growth process. But just like it says in the passage God is the one who actually makes it grow. Without God nothing is possible. I am nothing. But with God anything is possible. I have everything.

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